ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?
Are you confused about what to do next? Then, DON'T PANIC!
Not only am I providing an explanation, and advice to help you get what you want, but you'll also find energy work solutions for each Tarot card.
EVEN MORE than that... If you click on my Magick Spells page, you'll see how one or more simple spells... Can work MIRACLES FOR YOU!
A few Quick Characteristics of 6 of Cups are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:
Arcana: Minor
Element: Water
Major meaning: Nostalgia
Quick message: Make a decision: either you will go for what you miss or move on - seriously!
Positive influence: Past and present connect in your mind - therefore, you have a choice!
Negative influence: Dwelling on old memiries and emotions with inactivity and inability to act
Personality strengths: A person with strong compassion, loyalty, someone who recognizes value
Personality weaknesses: Person who cannot make up the mind in relation to what to do
The Six of girls in love department signals those cute, warm and fuzzy feelings that you may be very well aware of.
Your lover or ex lover may make you feel as though you know them all your life. They may even make you feel as though you are somewhat related, life soulmates (and that may be true! Especially if High Priestess appears in combination). Or your loved one make make you feel as though you perfectly understand each other. It's like you are cousins... Or "older brother and younger sister" relationship dynamic.
But your loved one may feel different. Not indifferent, but just different than what you feel when 6 of Cups appears in the love department.
Also the 6 of Cups shows up if you are currently searching for love. It may indicate that somebody from your past will come back as a surprise. In fact, it may signal that several of your exes will suddenly become interested in you again.
It is referred to as one of those soul-companionship Tarot cards.
After the Six of Cups turns up in the "emotions" positioning, somebody feels that a warmth towards someone they love. Or used to love... while figuring out how to create joyous atmosphere. They can believe there was a thing that they know they may be able to place their finger at and say "I want to give it one more chance!!!"
And yes, if there is someone involved from the past, they may very well think of you as well because 6 of Cups signals unresolved feelings, unbroken connection, nostalgia and inability to move on.
Basically, 6 of Cups signals appearance of exes.
If you are reading ON someone, like your lover while suspecting that something is wrong in your relationship and 6 of Cups appears - you may want to check if you lover still has an emotional connection to an ex, high school crush, someone they used to be obsessed with - or if they are simply a type of the person who dwells on the past, seeking a comparison with the present.
They may also compare you to their past lover(s) and recognize that it wasn't that bad with an - therefore, they may be considering to restore a relationship with an ex.
If everything seems to be great in your relationship and 6 of Cups appears - just watch for exes, nostalgia, comparison between past and present and see if your lover bay be stuck, unable to move on.
Help yourself and your lover!
If you are single and this card appears, then you may want to also thing WHY you are single. Most likely, it isn't your desire to be single at this point, right? If this is so, consider why you are wtuck. If you find that you are dwelling on past hurts, you still have feelings towards someone or anything of that sort, then you may ask yourself: "What will I do now? Go for my ex or move on?"
When 6 of Cups appears in sex department, it indicates following things that you want to examine:
Anyways, if you get this Tarot card in your sex department, then you may realize that in your mind, past meets the present. Your sexuality is very impotant to you. Therefore, you need to make a choice: either you will go for what you want or you may get repressed feelings and things may turn worse, like in 5 of Cups or The Devil situation.
And if you really will continue to live with such burden, then Universe may bring you crisis with inevidable change. That may not be pretty. But it will be a great lesson to learn how not to get stuck in making decisions and recognize your true values.
With 6 of Cups in sex, you have time to act. But don't delay. Act!
6 of Cups in money department indicates good news! It indicates that those old and hidden things that you loved to do are surfacing up and you can take an adventage from that.
When 6 of Cups appears in your money department, it tells you that you may very seriously want to consider starting your own small business or becoming a freelancer doing what you love.
To help you even further, look back at your childhood and early teenage years. What did you love to do? Take selfies? Draw? Art? Selling? Running? Communicating? Winning arguments? Felt good when you ego was satisfied? Helped people?
Now, think how you can link it to finances. If you liked to take selfies, you can become an inspiration coach or make money from photography. Considering modeling as well. If you liked to draw, maybe you can do it now and sell your drawings? Did you like art? Maybe you can sell art on the side via Internet?
Was selling your forte? Then consider becoming a sales trainer. Did you like running? Consider to start your own running inspirational blog. Did you like communicating? Consider becoming a speaker or MC! Did you like to win arguments? Then, maybe you can become an attorney defending people and working for yourself?
Did you feel good when your ego was satisfied? Then you can become a Spiritual Leader knowing that ego is excellent, especially when it serves the Divine too! And if you likes to help people - then maybe medical field is the way to go for you?
I am NOT kidding here! Look at the examples of real people that I personally know who turned their passions into a great income!
I gave you all these detailed examples because I want you to be inspired and successful. If 6 of Cups appears in your financial sector - stop and evaluate what you love doing! Then, even if you have miserable financial investment - still go for it! Aim for freelancing and self-employment!
You will open your financial, sexual and heart chakras if you continue! And the next thing you will notice is how fast you grow because Universe supports you all over! Do it! 6 of Cups is there to tell you that!
Worried about "bad news" or "negative outcomes" of this card and how it may affect you in real life? If yes, then consider doing the sell work, or hiring someone to do it for you. Spell work is a very powerful ancient solution to overcome the challenge represented by this card in all sorts of situations.
When 6 of Cups appears and you want help of energy work, then it tells you to do Road Opener spell. But unlike in 3 of Wands for Road Opener spell mostly aimed at opportunities and money, you want to aim this spell for personal development in mind. What such Road Opener spell should do for you is release old baggage and help you to recreate "new you!". After that, you shall feel to freely move forward and easily achieving your goals with greater emotional intelligence. Opportunities shall be srawn to you automatically! You job is to grab the ones you like!
Either you are having love problems like cheating, break ups or hardship to find love... Or maybe you want to double or tripple your income... Or start a successful business... Or have powerful psychic protection... Or whatever else it may be - then you MUST check out spell work information and you too can create DESIRED REALITY rather than living at the mercy of the circumstances.
6 of Cups for general outcome tells you that everything will be fine! It tells you that even though you may feel stuck now, you have an immense resource in your emotional intelligence.
What you must do is realize that past prepared you for this moment. Weaknesses are no longer your options because when you look deep down, you find strength in them. It is a time to say "I create my own reality!" and move on!
6 of Cups in outcome also tells you that you may reconnect with a past relationship. But at the same time, it may not last because most likely, you outgrew it. What you thought you missed and been nostalic towards was simply a stubborn mirage of your mind.
Sure, it may be good for you to reconnect with the past and get a proof that it was a mirage. It may take time. But at least, you will greatly learn how to indentify things that serve you well and differentiate between the things that you need to let go. With such understanding, you put past in the past and live in the present moment.
Present creates your future. Good present moment attracts good future moments. Excellent present moments attract excellent future moments. Therefore, you realize that past and future do not really exist - it is all about the present.
When you bring past into the present - then it becomes your present. When you bring future into the present that did not come yet - then you are projecting into your future from the present. And when the future comes - it will come only in the present. Therefore, you realize that it is all about the present. That's your lesson with 6 of Cups.
Finally, with 6 of Cups in the outcome, you now know that it is time for you to decide. Indecision goes out and clear decision comes in! You are the Creator of your Universe! And you create excellent future by having an excellent present!
Guess what? You can do it! You know why? Because it is a choice! Happiness and depression are two different sides of the coin. And only you choose which side you want. It is really a choice.
6 of Cups also indicates financial breakthroughs, call for emotional balance, news in love department and is asking you to release blocks from your sexuality.
Do Tarot Cards Show You BAD NEWS?
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