ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?
Are you confused about what to do next? Then, DON'T PANIC!
Not only am I providing an explanation, and advice to help you get what you want, but you'll also find energy work solutions for each Tarot card.
EVEN MORE than that... If you click on my Magick Spells page, you'll see how one or more simple spells... Can work MIRACLES FOR YOU!
A few Quick Characteristics of 5 of Cups are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:
Arcana: Minor
Element: Water
Major meaning: Regret
Quick message: Disappointments and losses
Positive influence: A nature's test of what you are made of!!!
Negative influence: Depression and sorrow, blockages of emotional body, intranquility
Personality strengths: A person with strong Spiritual faith is able to conquer the mountains
Personality weaknesses: Person who gave up hope, belief in himself and belief in God
When 5 of Cups shown up in love department, not much of good news should be expected. This is a card that is heavily tied to regret.
Usually, this card shows up for people who are not over their ex lover and want them back. It is an obsession of a high caliber. But the problem is, it is nearly impossible to return an ex back.
This card also shows up for people who suffered multiple emotional traumas in love department. It is a card of a vicious cycle of painful break ups.
If you are single and 5 of Cups shows up, it means you are very closed off to new relationships because now you have a mental paradigm that "this is not going to work out anyways, why even bother". And you may be right...
5 of Cups in love department may also indicate black Magick or a curse. It may indicate that someone cursed you to be single and lonely for the rest of your life or a very long period. This card can also indicate that someone put a dark love spell on you, which did not work out - but is blocking you love energy fields.
If you are in a relationship, hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Break up may be closer than you even expect and it is not necessarily due to cheating.
From my experience, when 5 of Cups shows up in any department, not just love - a very serious diagnostic with a professional psychic reading is needed. Below, I will be writing about energy corrections for 5 of Cups.
The good news - if there is a will, there is a way! I have helped many people to overcome the influence of 5 of Cups in all sorts of their life arenas, so keep reading!
Boredom, indifference and fantasy for that "special someone" to spice up your sex life... But that "special someone" is actually you and unless you take the charge, you may have a higher chance of winning a lottery than finding your sexual savior when 5 of Cups appears.
When it comes to sex, 5 of Cups also signals that it is time to evaluate your wmotional attitudes towards sex. For example, did you have any disappointing sexual exeriences in the past?
Do childhood traumas still haunt you?
Do you hold a grudge against someone?
Did you sleep with someone or did something you regret?
Could it be that deep down inside, you find yourself inadequate in some way, therefore, feeling that you are not worthy having excellent sexual partners, excellent sex life or satisfy your partner?
Maybe you believe that when it comes to sex, your job is to only satidfy your sexual partner while sacrafysing your own satusfaction?
Is there a possibility that you are not open to receive? For example, do you feel shy receiving oral sex?
Are you fully open with your sexuality in the front of yourself and your partner? Or could there be things that you would love to experiement but you are afraid of judgement due to "norms"? If 5 of Cups appears, it really signals that you must evaluate your known emotions and dig deeper to unknown emotions to have an excellent sex life.
If you are signal and draw this card, it caneasily mean that your abundant sex life is blocked by illusions and fears, which may manifest as social anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, low self-worth and feelings of repression.
Speaking of repression, that may be a major clue to most of your sexual problems.
What's the lesson? It's actually all simple: identify what YOU enjoy and as soon as it doesn't hurt someone - do it by living a fantastic sexual life. Allow yourself! Give yourself a permission! Know that it's all good and ok! You are worthy!
When 5 of Cups appears in your money sector, it means that you have "money ghosts" that are still haunting you from negative financially-related experiences of the past.
Such experiences may include:
I work with a lot of people and I hear all sorts of money blocks expressed. When 5 of Cups appears, I can easily tell that client has deep money issues. Sometimes, it becomes a whole project for us to resolve the issue.
Yet, after several sessions, client gets much better and money channels get opened up! Sure enough, 5 of Cups gets replaced by much positive cards when I re-do the Tarot reading. Chariot, Ace of Wands and even Kind of Swords begin to appear instead of 5 of Cups. That's great news!
Ok, so, what's the best thing you can do when you draw such Tarot card for money?
Try to do this and it will greatly help you: take a piece of paper with the pen. Quiet your mind. Write down all negative experiences in regards to money that happened to you. Then, write down all your personal beliefs about money.
After you are done, realize that negative experiences, no matter how traumatic they felt are in the past. Develop a protective strategy for the future - what exactly can you do to avoid such an experience? After you do it by being honest with yourself, you will feel freed! That's becase you will no longer fear to act. Why? Because you now have a solid strategy to counteract negative experience and not let it happen again!
When it comes to beliefs, evaluate if these beliefs are true or not. For example, you may come up with a belief that "money are hard to make". But if you really examine this belief, you will realize that it is you who is choosing how hard it will be to make money.
Money can be hard to make, yet they can be extremely easy to make. In fact, you can make money on autopilot. For example, I wrote an ebook and now money from sales roll to me automatically. I also have the lowest most known request for refunds because I did an extremely good job.
So, are money hard to make? No. I did not have to wake up at 6 AM, drive 2 hours to work and then lay the brick all day long in 100 degree weather with high humidity. All I did was took my car, drove to the lake in Alabama The Beautiful, sketched a table of content, drove back home and wrote for the next three days.
Then, I edited the book, double and tripple checked everything, wrote a sales copy and put it for sale.
Book begain to sell pretty much on it's own because I did what Universe guided me to do. I listtened to God.
As a result, my past 5 of Cups stopped appearing in the readings!
And let me tell you something: if you struggle with money, always feel free to contact me and I would love to help! I am extremely sure we can figure the solution out. Because if 5 of Cups appears in your money sector - it almost always signals "bad times". Therefore, it is time to act for you! Act now! Reinvent in the front of the need!
And 5 of Cups will dissolve!
And if you wtill think that money are hard to make, then Welcome to Alabama The Beautiful! (Meaning, look at my story that I wrote above!)
Let me tell you a little secret to uplift you even more: in reality, these days, money are easier to make than not to make. Most people refuse the money attraction due to lack of creativity and false negative beliefs that run simultaneously. "I AM A MONEY MAGNET!" - get that and you will be!
When 5 of Cups appears and - my suggestion to you is that you start seeking a solution as soon as possible because outcome that's being signaled isn't pretty. If I have to describe the outcome in one word - it would be regret.
The only questions is: how deep (or how much) regret will you get?
Let's fix that right now!
Ok, I have 2 spells for you that are known to fix these problems. They are:
What you are doing with these spells is stop "bad things" on their track with the Banshing spell. Then, you remove your "inner magnets" to cause bad news on the first place with Emotional Release spell.
Such a combination greatly helps you and cleanses your Karma too!
And if you know in which arena of your life 5 of Cups appears - then things become even easier! For example, if 5 of Cups appears in your sex life arena, then you can do 2 spells I mentioned above and after you are done - you can fire a spell to improve your sex life!
So, you banish the bad and attract the good!
What you can also do is set protections in addition. You can do Protection spell. It will build an energy wall against the problems, so they will not have an easy chance to penetrate the wall and reach you.
Also, I highly suggest that you work on emotional releases with the means that appeal to you:
You may also want to read WHY 5 of Cups appears. For example, if you ask your Tarot deck "why am I getting 5 of Cups for my sex life?" and you draw 8 of Wands as an answer - then it is a signal that you want to be more open-minded and communicative when it comes to seduction. That's your better approach than being shy, hoping that someday, somehow, you will attract a sexual partner.
In other words, be proactive! And if you are confused - seek help of a professional!
Either you are having love problems like cheating, break ups or hardship to find love... Or maybe you want to double or triple your income... Or start a successful business... Or have powerful psychic protection... Or whatever else it may be - then you MUST check out spell work information and you too can create DESIRED REALITY rather than living at the mercy of the circumstances.
If you read about 5 of Cups carefully, then you know that it doesn't signal good outcome. Again, the outcome is a regret.
Yet, you now know what to do as well to avoid such outcome.
But let's take a moment and look little bit deeper in the outcome for 5 of Cups. First, consider these words that are associated with this Tarot card's outcome: regret, loss, disappointment, shyness, repression, confusion, poor intuition, anxiety, depression, emotional pain and even PTSD, relationship probless, loss of attraction, procrastination, end of a relationship, inactivity and giving up.
Second, determine what is it that you firmly choose and will stay true to your choice? This is your second step and your personal goal to get a favorable outcome. Do you firmly choose to face the demons? Act despite fear? Turn things around? Seek help? Avoid breaking up even if your lover says "that's it"? Release your emotional baggage?
Finally, your third step is to let go, be as happy as you can, as greatful as you can and stick to your choice from the second step mentioned above.
Even though it may seem hard, lenthy, painful, disappointing and you will get the feeling that "life sucks" - without probably even seeing and feeling it first - you will begin to turn things around!
If you know what you want and act with focus - miraces begin to happen! Even if it doesn't seem like it at first, you will not have to wait long enough before you'll see much more positive results!
Yes, 5 of Cups signals disappointing outcome. But at the same time, it is a warning sign that you need to act with speed to change these results. Remember that Tarot cards don't give definite outcomes. They give most likely probability. And you are the one who decides what to do with a probability. You can choose to avoid doing anything or you can choose to do something about it!
My advice - choose to do something! It is time to be proactive and kick in your creativity!
Enough of pain! Bring pleasure!
Do Tarot Cards Show You BAD NEWS?
All You Have To Do Is: Change Your Destiny With
A Prayer That Always Works!
Or! Contact Master PlutoCraft for your emergency case evaluation if you do not see what you like on the cards!