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Strength Tarot Card Meaning & Solutions

ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?

Are you confused about what to do next? Then, DON'T PANIC!

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A few Quick Characteristics of Strength are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:

Arcana: Major

Number: 8

Planetary Energies: Neptune, Mars

Major Meaning: You have an important decision to make. Consider all of the options, before you move forward. Doing the right thing now will help you be successful later on.

Quick Message: It's important to be fair to everyone involved, including yourself.

Positive Influence: A strong, and powerful person. Someone who isn't afraid to stand up for what he or she believes is right.

Negative Influence: Indecision. Prevarication. Someone who prefers to take the easy way out. A poor listener, or judge of character.

Personality Strengths: Inner strength. Courage. Self-belief, and discipline. Taking responsibility for your actions. The ability to apologize if you have made a mistake.

Personality Weaknesses: Selfishness. Being lazy or arrogant. Lying to yourself, and others.

Strength Card For Love

When you have drawn the Strength card the Angels or Higher Beings want you to have harmonious, and good relationships with others. This is a powerful card which can draw love to you when your intentions are honest, and you are doing the best you can with what you have. 

So no cheating, especially in the love area of life! It can have the opposite effect and attract bad karma if you are deluding yourself, telling lies to someone else, or holding back with the truth. You definitely won't have any peace when that happens.

Strength Card For Sex

If you are caught in a love triangle and can't decide which one of your sexual partners to let go, you might find it helpful to discuss this with a close friend who can give you impartial advice. Remember too that this card is about taking responsibility for our actions. If you have made a mistake, or been less than truthful in the sexual area of your life it could be time to apologize and move on. 

Continuing a relationship with someone just for sex can mean that we are not being entirely fair to this person, particularly if he or she is looking for something more. It's far better to discuss things at the outset, and talk about your intentions. If love does come into it later, there's nothing stopping either of you from changing your mind.

Strength Card For Money

This is a good card to have drawn in financial matters, since it means that things stand a good chance of working out favorably for you. Even if you are involved in a legal dispute. 

Nevertheless make sure that you read any documents or agreements very carefully before signing them. Not taking enough care with this could work to your detriment.

Strength Card For Spell Work & Energy Correction

If life hasn't been going well, it could be that you have attracted too much negative or bad energy because of something you did earlier. If you are not sure what to do about this and get the help you need, then magick could be the answer. 

A Magick Spell to create a better balance between the good and bad energies in your life can help you put things right. It isn't wrong to use magick. A lot of people already do, and are getting fantastic results. Or you could ask someone else to cast the right spell for you. It won't harm them or you, provided the spell is cast for the good of all.

Strength Card For General Outcome

The Strength card is encouraging you to make the right decision, after considering all of your options. You are receiving guidance, and help from the Angels or Higher Beings. Remember the Universe only wants what is best for you including happy, and peaceful relationships. 

When you have good thoughts and beliefs, this can help you have the strength and power to do the right thing when faced with a challenge. The more you understand, and know about yourself the better. Asking questions is a great way to get at the truth. What are your current strengths, and weaknesses? What do you need to do to overcome the latter? Until you resolve the negativity in your life not everything will work in your favor, and could produce even more bad results as time goes by. While this is happening it's unlikely you'll have the life you really want. 

Ask yourself now what changes you need to make, before reaching any decisions about the future, and try to have compassion for others when you are making a choice which affects them. Can you do what you are proposing in a different way, so that it becomes fairer to everyone involved? Again, make sure to include yourself. Being impatient about resolving the situation could be preventing you from doing this. Do you need to stop, to think things through? Being too obsessed with a particular person or outcome, can also represent the negative aspect of the Strength card. Not leading you to what you want. 

The solution is to create a balance between the positive and negative aspects of your personality, and character. Dealing with any weaknesses which might be holding you back, as soon as you discover them. If you have made a mistake, remember too that no one is perfect. You need to try to forgive yourself for any part you played in this. It often takes courage to apologize, and the Strength card is encouraging you to do this if you need to. This is a powerful, and beneficial action. With the potential to create its own good energy, and change.

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