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The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning & Solutions

ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?

Are you confused about what to do next? Then, DON'T PANIC!

Not only am I providing an explanation, and advice to help you get what you want, but you'll also find energy work solutions for each Tarot card. 

EVEN MORE than that... If you click on my Magick Spells page, you'll see how one or more simple spells... Can work MIRACLES FOR YOU!

A few Quick Characteristics of The Hermit are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:

Arcana: Major

Number: 9

Planetary Energies: Mercury, Virgo

Major Meaning: Spending time alone, and meditating can help you find the answers you are looking for. 

Quick Message: Quieten the external noise, and listen to your inner voice. It's time to enjoy your own company. 

Positive Influence: A mentor or friend who can give good advice. He or she has already gone through the difficulties you are facing, so can share the benefit of this experience with you.

Negative Influence: Being distracted by someone who puts their own concerns before your own. Obsession, or becoming too isolated from family and friends. Leading to depression, and anxiety. Being unable to accept the help you need.

Personality Strengths: Self - reliance, and wisdom. The ability to interpret the meaning behind dreams, or past-life memories.

Personality Weaknesses: The inability to focus on the matter in hand, and lacking concentration. An unwillingness to accept the truth. Anger. Aggression. Frustration. Blaming everyone else for your problems, and failing to take responsibility for the part you played.

The Hermit For Love

When we spend time alone this isn't being selfish, especially when we have become overwhelmed by problems or the inability to cope. Taking care of ourselves is an act of self - love, and a necessary part of staying healthy. If friends or family members don't understand this, but continue to bombard you with their own problems and requests for help, it may be time to say no and take a break until you are feeling better. 

Giving and receiving love is another form of natural energy. So whatever is causing the blockage needs to be resolved, to allow love to flow again as it should do. You may find the answers that you are looking for by examining what has already happened, other people's motivation, and any influence that they are exerting on you to do what they want.

The Hermit For Sex

If you are having problems in a sexual relationship, it may again be the case that you need to tell your partner or partners that you want some space to think things through. Putting distance between you could make the heart grow fonder, as the old saying goes, or show you that you have been carrying on the relationship more out of habit than anything else. 

You might also discover what you need to do to spice things up, and get some of the passion back that you had at the start. Making your partner and you eager, and ready to start again. Maybe there's something you have wanted to try for a long time, but didn't think he or she would be interested in or you hadn't got around to asking, now could well be the time to do this. 

Introducing something new into an existing relationship or starting one with a different partner, after being on your own for a while, could be the breath of fresh air and change you need to liven things up in this area of your life.

The Hermit For Money

The Hermit card may also be telling you that you are in need of good advice in the money area of your life. The answers to questions about debt; investment, and financial matters can often be complicated. Although not to someone who is good with money, and has a lot of experience in dealing with it. You might find that by talking to a professional advisor, family member, or close friend this will help you make a plan on how best to move forward. 

Remember too that the Hermit is telling you that it's a good idea to spend some quiet time alone, to think about any suggestions or advice you have received. Making sure that this is what you really want to do with your money. Just because someone has given you advice doesn't mean that it's necessarily the right way for you to proceed. 

Do you want to tie up the money you have in an investment? Maybe your intuition is telling you that getting a new car would be the best option. Saving you a lot on repair bills, and fuel in the long run. Also, be much less of an inconvenience when your present car keeps breaking down. Whatever you decide to do, think carefully about it first and make sure it's the right decision for you.

The Hermit For Spell Work & Energy Correction

You have been sent the Hermit card by the Universe, Angels, or Higher Beings who want to help you succeed. Which will more than likely involve resolving an energy imbalance in the area, or areas of your life where you are experiencing the most difficulty. 

Using A Prayer That Always Works can help you do this, through quiet thought or meditation.

The Hermit For General Outcome

We can access a wealth of wisdom, and understanding when we spend time alone with our thoughts. Getting help from someone else can make this even more beneficial. The Hermit card can represent a spiritual advisor whom you already know, or is about to come into your life. 

Meditation allows us to go deeper into a situation than we might have thought possible, and what it's telling us may not become clear until later. Dreams can also bring important messages about the future, or as a warning not to go down the wrong path. So it's important to find someone who can accurately interpret the meaning behind what they, and your intuition, are saying. Even read the tarot cards you have drawn, if these are skills you don't possess. 

All of us are on our own unique path to enlightenment, or spiritual journey. Whilst there is a huge difference between spending time alone, and being lonely. The Hermit is encouraging you to know the value of silence. So that you'll be able to hear the messages more easily, which are coming from your heart and soul. It can also mean that you are in a position now to share the wisdom you have gained, to mentor and help others.

Do Tarot Cards Show You BAD NEWS?


All You Have To Do Is: Change Your Destiny With 
A Prayer That Always Works!

Or! Contact Master PlutoCraft for your emergency case evaluation if you do not see what you like on the cards!