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7 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning & Solutions

ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?

Are you confused about what to do next? Then, DON'T PANIC!

Not only am I providing an explanation, and advice to help you get what you want, but you'll also find energy work solutions for each Tarot card. 

EVEN MORE than that... If you click on my Magick Spells page, you'll see how one or more simple spells... Can work MIRACLES FOR YOU!

A few Quick Characteristics of 7 of Cups are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:

Arcana: Minor

Element: Water

Major Meaning: You may be faced with a difficult decision

Quick Message: It's time to stop procrastinating, and get on with the situation

Positive influence: Staying focused

Negative influence: Unrealistic expectations, and confusion

Personality strengths: You are able to ask for advice from someone else

Personality weaknesses: An addictive personality

7 of Cups for Love

The 7 of Cups may indicate that you have been given too much choice, so can't decide how to move forward. Your imagination is running wild through all the possibilities, and others besides which only exist in fantasy. It's not as if the decision could be made any simpler. There are too many different factors to be considered. All of which are part of your future plans.

You need to look deeper into the situation to find the answer. You may find this difficult to do, so have been putting it off. You don't want to disappoint or hurt anyone else. Perhaps instead this situation is hurting you? By stopping you from moving forward in the way you want to, and not allowing you to be true to yourself.

This can't carry on! If it hasn't already been damaging your health, it may not be long before it does. You need to explore all possible avenues open to you, and make your decision without further delay.

7 of Cups for Sex

The 7 of Cups may indicate that there are difficulties in the sexual area of your life. Perhaps a new love interest has come along? Someone you might even feel addicted to. You can't get enough of them, especially where sex is concerned. You may even feel that you can't live without him or her. 

The problem is you are already in a relationship with someone else whom you thought you loved, until this new lover came long. You know that you need to decide between them because the situation is tearing you apart emotionally. Whilst all you really want to do is have endless sex, with your new lover!

A change of relationship could mean giving up your home, if you share this with your partner, and even other family members or children. It's a big decision, and one you didn't think you would have to make. Not surprisingly you are feeling confused. It's not as if you can even say for certain that taking your new lover as a future partner will last forever. Your relationship with him or her may still be at an early stage.

This card is encouraging you to be more focused. To think about what you are doing. How would this new life that you are contemplating be in reality? Does your new lover annoy or irritate you in any way? If you were living together how would this work, outside of the bedroom? 

Sexual experiences and fantasies can take you to the stars and beyond, but there is a lot more to life besides this. Make sure that a new relationship is what you actually want, before taking things any further.

7 of Cups for Money

This card can also indicate possible changes in the money area of your life. Do you have enough money to make the changes you are contemplating in the love area of your life, if this will involve contributing to 2 households even temporarily?

It's time for another reality check. If your financial situation is complex or you run your own business, the 7 of Cups is encouraging you to take advice from a financial advisor. To put you more in control of the situation. Do the mathematics, and look into how much this new lifestyle will cost. How you can go about it financially, before making any changes.

7 of Cups for Spell Work and Energy Correction

If a lack of money is stopping you from moving forward in the way you would like to with your life, have you thought about asking Magick to help you? Millions of people have done this throughout history, and still do. A Money Spell could bring more money to you if this is what you need, and quicker than you thought possible. 

If you aren't happy to cast the spell yourself, you could ask someone else to do it for you. Provided it's done properly and is only done for the good of all concerned, the spell won't harm you or anyone else.

7 of Cups for General Outcome

If you have drawn the 7 of Cups in a layout, interpreting the meaning of the surrounding cards may help you get a better understanding of the best options for you in all areas of your life.

Seven is a mystical number which indicates that something is being hidden, or doesn't meet the eye. The situation which is at the root of your problem is likely to be having an adverse effect on everyone involved in it. The 7 of Cups is encouraging you to stop procrastinating, and make a decision, so that this negative energy can be replaced by something more positive.

Do Tarot Cards Show You BAD NEWS?


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Or! Contact Master PlutoCraft for your emergency case evaluation if you do not see what you like on the cards!