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9 of Swords Tarot Card Meaning & Solutions

ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?

Are you confused about what to do next? Then, DON'T PANIC!

Not only am I providing an explanation, and advice to help you get what you want, but you'll also find energy work solutions for each Tarot card. 

EVEN MORE than that... If you click on my Magick Spells page, you'll see how one or more simple spells... Can work MIRACLES FOR YOU!

A few Quick Characteristics of 9 of Swords are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:

Arcana: Minor

Element: Air

Major Meaning:  It's time to leave the past behind

Quick Message: Plenty of possibilities are coming your way

Positive influence: Having positive thoughts

Negative influence: Stress, and anxiety

Personality strengths: Being optimistic

Personality weaknesses: Pessimism, and expecting the worst

9 of Swords For Love

It's time for some self love! Instead of being pessimistic, and always thinking the worst of anyone and everything, the 9 of Swords is telling you that this needs to change. To allow more positive and good energy to flow smoothly through your life. Filling the gaps which your darker thoughts have left behind. 

The heavy weight that is resting on your shoulders will soon be gone if you do this, and your health will improve with your outlook. You already have amazing possibilities on the horizon, that are waiting for you to let them into your life. 

9 of Swords For Sex

The way you think is also having an effect on your sex life. Whether you are in a relationship or single. You don't want to instigate sex because you have already told yourself that it will be met with a refusal, or rejection. Or if you say yes, there's the likelihood of some other disaster happening. Quite simply, it isn't worth trying any more!

You might also be feeling guilty about something you have done in this area of your life, and regret. If that's the case, the 9 of Swords is asking you to put it behind you. To look at your existing relationship in a new light.

If you approached your partner in a loving and fun way, wouldn't he or she be more likely to respond as you would like them to? If not, or this isn't what you want, it might be time to think again about the future. Perhaps you have another love interest in mind? If you dig deep enough into the possibilities, you will find the answer you are looking for. This is your chance, to improve the love and sex areas of your life!

9 of Swords For Money

Your thoughts are telling you that there isn't any point in trying to improve your finances. It can't or won't happen, but why not? Perhaps it's because you have already told yourself that this will be the outcome?

The 9 of Swords is encouraging you to open your eyes. Look at the possibilities you have surrounding the money area of your life. Be grateful that these are waiting for you to explore. They may not be there forever. A new job or career, the chance of making a great investment, or selling something. The list goes on, and on. 

The Universe only wants the best for you. By drawing the 9 of Swords, it is trying to help you move forward in the right way. To stop thinking that nothing good is going to happen or come to you, and start trying instead to help yourself.

9 of Swords For Spell Work And Energy Correction

You are going through a difficult time, but things can be different. People often use Magick to get the help they need. They have been doing this for centuries. It isn't anything new, and it works! 

Have you thought about casting a spell, to bring good things to you? A Love Spell or Money Spell might be especially useful at this time. Bringing more of both into your life.

If you haven't cast a spell in the past or don't want to do this yourself, you can ask someone else to do it for you. You will still receive all of the benefits, and it won't harm you or anyone else if it's done properly.

9 of Swords For General Outcome

The 9 of Swords is asking you to lighten up, and let go of the gloom and doom. The dark energy you are creating with your thoughts, words, and actions. You will see a huge improvement in all areas of your life if you do! This card is trying to point you in the right direction.

Gratitude for the good things in life will also take you a long way towards getting more of what you want, and need. The natural Law of Attraction draws to us what we focus on. By becoming more positive in your approach to life, this will bring more of the good things to you.

Do Tarot Cards Show You BAD NEWS?


All You Have To Do Is: Change Your Destiny With 
A Prayer That Always Works!

Or! Contact Master PlutoCraft for your emergency case evaluation if you do not see what you like on the cards!